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Kevin arrives at Duncan's Toy Chest as Marv and Harry perform reconnaissance there. While making his purchase, he meets the philanthropist owner, E.F. Duncan, who tells him the proceeds from the store's Christmas sales will go to a local children's hospital.
Principal photography took place from December 9, 1991 to May 1, 1992, over a course of 144 days; the film was shot in Winnetka, Illinois; O'Hare International Airport in Chicago; Evanston, Illinois; and New York City. In 2021, Culkin endorsed a petition to edit out Trump's cameo, when he replied to a tweet asking to digitally replace Trump with an older rendition of Culkin. "Angels With Even Filthier Souls." Kevin watches it before the concierge shows up at his room, then he uses it to scare off the hotel staff before he flees. Near the end, Kevin slips on ice, allowing the bandits to catch him, and Harry says "how do you like the ice, kid?" This was probably a reference to Kevin's icy staircase trap in the first film. The gangster movie Kevin watches mentions Cliff as one of the men Johnny's girlfriend hangs out with. When Kevin uses the movie to scare the Plaza hotel staff, one of the security guards happens to be named Cliff.
Harry Falls With Style
After taking their picture, he lures them to the townhouse where they repeatedly injure themselves in the traps. Kevin evades them, calls the police from a pay phone to alert them to the pair's presence, and flees toward Central Park. Harry and Marv catch him after he slips on ice and prepare to kill him, but the pigeon lady throws a bucket of birdseed onto them, attracting a massive flock of pigeons and incapacitating the pair until the police arrive to arrest them. Kevin slips away, leaving photographic and tape-recorded evidence against Harry and Marv, and Mr. Duncan recovers the donation money and finds a note from Kevin explaining why he broke the window. The family arrives in New York, and Kate, remembering Kevin's fondness for Christmas trees, finds him making a wish at the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.
Kevin and the rest of the McCallister family head off with their planes. It seems highly unlikely that the entire family managed to get a last-minute flight from Miami to New York on Christmas Eve as this would be an incredibly busy time, hence their difficulty in getting back from Paris in the first film. When Kevin followed a man thinking it was his dad, a flight attendant lets him into the plane asking if that man was his dad. In reality, the flight attendant wouldn't let a minor on the plane with someone they don't know very well as they would have to suggest to wait for his parents to get him. Therefore, he wouldn't have been able to travel to New York. As the McCallisters are running through the O'Hare terminal, an announcement about the flight to New York being in the final boarding process can be heard, with the flight's number given as 226.
Famous Movies
He soon realizes that he is actually in New York City and is alone while his family is in Florida, much to his preference. He engages in sight-seeing around the city. Meanwhile, Harry and Marv, – now christened the "Sticky Bandits" by the latter – have made their way to New York on a fish truck as well, after recently escaping from a prison in Chicago during a riot and plan their next scheme. I don't wanna be down there anyway.
She explains how her life collapsed when her lover left her; Kevin encourages her to trust people again. After considering her advice that he perform a good deed to make up for his misdeeds, and recalling Mr. Duncan's intent to donate to the hospital, he decides to prevent Harry and Marv from robbing the store. On Christmas Eve, Kevin visits a toy store whose kindly owner, Mr. Duncan, plans to donate the day's sale proceeds to a children's hospital. After Kevin makes a donation, Mr. Duncan gives him a pair of ceramic turtledoves in thanks, instructing him to give one to another person as a gesture of eternal friendship.
Kevin - Allein in New York
On the other plane, Peter reassures Kate that they have nothing to worry about during this trip, unaware that Kevin is on another plane. In the beginning of the novelization, a prologue, which ends up being Marv's nightmare in prison, he and Harry sneak away from the cops and return to Kevin's house to seek revenge on Kevin. Kevin bolts into the garage with Marv and Harry in hot pursuit. Harry and Marv end up triggering extra traps that Kevin had set up in the garage.

Upon discovering that Kevin was in New York, Peter wonders if he'd know enough to seek out his brother Rob, only for Kate to comment "I thought you said they were renovating?". Sure enough, Kevin arrives at Rob's house, which is barren. This time, Harry has a gun and tries to use it on Kevin when they have him cornered in Central Park. Even before he does, he said doing so won't mean much to him. Kevin's love of Christmas trees.
Home Alone 4: Taking Back The House
When Kevin gets in the limo at the Plaza Hotel, he asks the driver if he knows of any good toy stores, and he's driven to Duncan's Toy Chest. However, the Plaza Hotel is directly across the street from FAO Schwarz (on which Duncan's Toy Chest was based), so Kevin needed to only look outside and wouldn't have had to be driven anywhere. At the airport, the exterior shot of the plane flown to New York is shown as a Boeing 767–200, which, unlike the 400 series 767, lacks a middle door. American has also never flown 767s or A300s between Chicago and LaGuardia.
After they fell off the rope, Kevin lures the two gangsters into the park. The Wet Bandits stumble into Kevin's carefully prepared traps. Kevin arrives at the hotel, both the thieves and the concierge chase after him. Everytime Kevin has a unique experience, like seeing Mr. Duncan's portrait right after having talked with him at the cash register. When Marv is getting hit by the falling cement, his mouth doesn't move when he says "uh-oh". The film was distributed by 20th Century Fox even when Donald Trump appeared in it.
I had a nice pair of rollerblades. I was afraid to wreck them, so I kept them in a box. Is blinded by an outdoor light, trips over a Christmas tree, and gets tangled up in its lights. Attempts to pull himself up the butter-covered stairs by grabbing a railing which breaks, causing him to fall down several stairs. Has his head accidently get hit by a door repeatedly by Pam. Gets his foot caught in a strand of Christmas lights while trying to climb into a window, causing him to lose his balance, fall, swing around, and crash into the house.
Kevin's Aesop Amnesia makes a lot more sense given the rest of the family's Aesop Amnesia. If his parents, older siblings, and extended family are still treating him like a burden even after everything that went on last Christmas than it's only natural Kevin would get angry and want to be away from them. You can't expect Kevin to keep forgiving his family that quickly if they're still acting like assholes, especially Buzz and Uncle Frank. The pigeon lady pulls a Big Damn Heroes moment when she sees two strange men threatening Kevin at gun point. She shouts You Leave Him Alone! Then she and Kevin split before the cops come.
Slips and falls twice on the ice-covered steps approaching the front door. Two guys who robbed Duncan's Toy Chest are in the park. Central Park West, 95th Street.
While it did not actually work, Macaulay Culkin was allowed to keep the Talkboy. The scene where Marv is hit with the last three bricks is cut, showing only the scene where Marv is hit with the first brick. In addition, the scene where Marv gets stapled, removes the staple from his nose, and the tool chest scene are also cut. Kevin flees, but the bandits catch him when he slips on a patch of ice.
As his family makes their flight, Kevin sees a man who is wearing a similar suit jacket as Peter and follows him toward a flight to New York City. In the rush, he drops his boarding pass and explains the situation. He is then boarded, unaware that he is on a flight bound for New York. As the plane starts to move, Kevin asks a man sitting next to him if he has ever been to Florida, but the man speaks French in reply, which Kevin does not understand and begins to listen to some music on his Talkboy.

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